All in Faith

An Anniversary Worth Celebrating

Despite this presumption, Edmond Halley’s observation is worth remembering. Our bodies are perishable and easily become frail, so we should live with gratitude for the time that we have. We should live with gratitude for the loved ones around us, even amid pain and suffering. Quite simply, we should live with gratitude.

A Selfish Perspective

It has been daunting and consuming for Andrew, his wife, and our entire family. Cancer is jarring and unexpected for anyone at any age. But a loved one facing such a diagnosis at 34 years of age is all the more staggering. Andrew has been the model of determination, strength, and faith since the diagnosis, but there is nothing about his fortitude that comes easily.

A Better Perspective

When I was growing up in small-town Iowa, church was a central part of my week. We would go to Sunday School on Sunday mornings, then the congregational service before lunch. On Sunday evenings, we would return for a final service. We also had a mid-week service that was part of our routine. Through it all, our church hymnal provided the soundtrack for our time together.